13 May 2020

Amazing Facts About Tiger

Amazing Facts About Tiger - Tiger in English

Everyone knows that the tiger is a huge carnivore living in the forest, which is the largest and strongest among its species. It  is found in all other parts of Asia except Tibet,  Sri Lanka ,  Andaman and Nicobar Islands .

 You must have heard this slogan "Save the Tiger"because   this species of animal, like the lion king of the forest, was on the verge of extinction, but  the number of tigers has increased a lot under WorldTiger Day .  World  Tiger  Day  is celebrated worldwide on 29 July every year. This series started from 2010.

Information and interesting facts about tiger - Information about Tiger in Hindi

Let us know the cats of the large and dangerous animal  Information  About Tiger In  Hindi  something about  Amazing Facts K
  1. Where is the tiger found?
  2. Tiger size
  3. When did tiger originate?
  4. Tiger behavior
  5. Tiger family
  6. Interesting facts about tiger 

Let us now know about all the issues in detail.

Where is the tiger found?

The tiger  is found in large numbers in India ,  Nepal , Bhutan ,  China ,  Myanmar , Afghanistan, Korea and Indonesia. There are many national parks for tigers in India, where it is present. These parks include Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Uttarakhand, West Bengal and Kerala.

Tiger size

There is a difference in the size of a male and a female in a tiger. The length of a male tiger ranges from 8 feet to 13 feet while that of a female tiger ranges from 6 feet to 9 feet.

The weight of a male tiger ranges from about 90 kg to 300 kg, while the weight of a female tiger ranges from about 65 kg to 168 kg.

The weight of Bengal tiger of India is the tallest and heaviest among all tiger in the world. Bengal tiger weighs around 350 kg.

When did tiger originate?

Based on the oldest fossils of Panthera species, scientists estimated that the existence of tiger has existed on our earth for several million years. It is believed that the existence of the first tiger was found in China's Gansu province.

According to scientists, the tiger had arrived in China's Gansu province for 2 million years, on the basis of this evidence, it is said that the tiger came to the first Asian countries and after that it must have shifted to other countries in search of food.

Tiger behavior

Usually all animals like to hunt during the day but the tiger hunts during the night. It can be easily seen even at night.

Tiger likes to live around forest, swampy area and grassland. Its diet is mainly sambar, chital, wild boar, wild buffalo, reindeer and human pets. The tiger often attacks from behind. It cannot run long after hunting due to its body, which is why it goes as close to the victim as possible and then jumps on it.

Once in every 20 attempts by a tiger, the prey is trapped in their clutches. The tiger mostly likes to be alone. Males and females come near each other only during reproductive period.

Tiger family

Like we told that the tiger mostly likes to be alone and comes to the female only during sexual intercourse.After sexual intercourse, the female is kept pregnant till three and a half moss and gives birth to 2 to 3 savas. The female tiger lives with her children and takes care of the children by staying together. The female tiger also teaches the art of hunting a tiger baby. After two and a half years, the children separate from the mother and start independent.

Amazing facts about Tiger in Hindi - interesting facts about tiger

                  Amazing Facts about Tiger 

1. Tiger cat species is the largest animal. In addition, it is the third largest carnivorous animal on Earth after the polar bears and brown bears.

2.  The weight of a tiger's  brain is about 300 grams.

3. There were 9 species of tiger but today only 6 species have survived.

4. The stripe found on the tiger's body is different from that of our fingerprint.

5. The tiger can run at a maximum speed of 60 km / h.

6. Tiger   is the national animal of India,  Bangladesh , Malaysia and South Korea.

7. The tiger's body is light yellow on which there are black and striped colored stripes.

8. The tiger likes to live mostly in the dense forest but in summer time he goes out of the forest due to thirst.

9. Tigers can eat up to 27 kg of meat in one night.

10. A tiger living in a forest can live for about 10 years and a tiger living in a zoo can live for 20 years.

11. Tiger can swim continuously for 6 kilometers under water.

12. An adult tiger can leap up to 8 meters long.

13. The teeth on the tiger are up to 10 cm, which are as big as the fingers of humans.

14. Like cats, tiger babies are blind at birth.

15. Although it is illegal to sell any part of the tiger, but the cost of a dead tiger in the black market is 10 thousand dollars.

Hope you have  liked - Amazing Facts about Tiger  article. Please share this article everywhere.

12 May 2020

Benifits Of Gvava

                    Benifits Of Gvava

    Eat guava, run away disease. Yes friends, you read it right, 

         Friends, eating guava has so many benefits that many diseases of your body can be cured only by eating guava.Doctors also recommend eating guava.

                   [Guides of guava  ]

1) Guava is a high energy food. Contains plenty of minerals and vitamins. These are very important for our body. 

2) The potassium and magnesium present in guava, the partner of the heart, has strengthened the heart and muscles, and he is inhabited by many diseases. 

3) Regular consumption of guava reduces the risk of problems like cold and cold.

7) Strengthen immunity: If you want to increase your immunity, then consuming guava will be beneficial. 

5) Vitamin A and E found in guava nourishes the eyes, hair and skin. 

7) Regular consumption of guava provides relief in constipation problem. 

4) Consuming guava leaves is effective in removing mouth ulcers. 

4) In thyroidnormal thyroid, doctors recommend eating guava.

Benifits Of Gvava

 So aye were friends of guava. And like this blog to get similar health related information 

Information About Giraffe

          Information About Girrafe

 Friends, let us tell you that Giraffe Giraffe Camelopardalis)  is a vegetarian  animalfound in the forests of Africa It is the tallest among all terrestrial animals and is the largest ruminant organism. Its scientific name is derived from camel-like mouth and leopard-like skin.

Information about giraffes

More interesting facts about giraffes that you may not know.

Giraffes are native to Africa. And now the number of giraffes is also decreasing in Africa.
A giraffe is a four-legged mammal with 32 teeth.

Giraffe is known for her long neck and long legs.

A giraffe is a vegetarian animal. Which uses fruit, flower leaf for food.

An adult giraffe feeds between 30 and 35 kg a day.

The male giraffe weighs around 1200 Kg and the female giraffe weighs around 830 Kg.
You will be surprised to know that a giraff
e sleeps only 5 to 30 minutes. Yaniki is one of the least sleeping creatures. giraffe hindi facts
Giraffe has spots and stripes on its body which are different.

Two giraffes use their necks to fight among themselves.

Usually the giraffe sounds so low that even humans cannot hear its voice.

Giraffes have the longest neck of all animals. 
The neck of a giraffe is up to 6 feet long.

                 Giraffe Information In Hindi

Like a camel, a giraffe can survive for many days without water.

A group of giraffes are  called towers . 
Giraffes cannot move in water   .

The female firaf urinates in the mouth of the male giraffe before intercourse.

The gestation period of female giraffes is around 400 to 450 days.

By one estimate, it has been found that around 6 months, children of giraffes become victims of animals like leopard and lion.

The female giraffe stands and gives birth to the child.

A newborn baby giraffe weighs around 100 kg.
Children of giraffes start walking hours later.

An adult giraffe can run at a speed of 35 mill per hour.

In spite of the giraffe having a long neck, he has to bend his legs to drink water. Because a giraffe's legs are longer than her neck.

Giraffe legs are usually around 6 feet long.

Giraffes use their legs to attack other animals such as lions and tigers.

One kick of the giraffe is enough to injure the lion. The giraffe's tongue is blue and 21 inches long.

              Information About  Giraffe 

Giraffe's tongue is so long that he can clean his ears and nose by his tongue.

The average age of a giraffe is around 30 years.
A giraffe spends most of his life standing.

A giraffe can drink about 35 to 40 liters of water a day.

Do you know that a giraffe's heart weighs   around 11 kg .

The tail of a giraffe is 5 to 8 feet long. Giraffe has the longest tail of all mammals. 

Visit the website to read more posts related to animals. Hopefully you will like this  information   post about Giraffe Information In Hindi - Giraffe So you should share this post. 

Information About Anaconda

       Information about Anaconda 

Friends, today we will know the information related to the world's largest snake anaconda, which you will not know.

              Information about Anaconda.

which we know as anaconda. which is shown inside that movie. that snake is in truth. the movie is made on the same anaconda snake. today we tell you where anaconda lives in real. what and how it eats humans.

anaconda is also known as water boa. is a non-toxic boa species found in south america. it is one of the heaviest and longest known snake species. the name anaconda is derived from greek which means good swimmer.

anaconda is considered the heaviest snake in the world. anaconda is found inside south america. according to one measurement so far, the longest anaconda has got 28 fit and 44 inch diameter. according to some scientists the weight of this anaconda may be 500 pounds. although there are pythons that are larger than the anaconda within the length, but the anaconda is more than the python inside the thickness.  

            Information About anaconda 

Anaconda is considered the world's largest snake. Many exaggerated things have been said about his huge size and aggressive nature. Based on these concoctions, the film "Anaconda" was in the news a few days ago. In this film, this snake is depicted as very dangerous and humanistic, which is far from the truth. Come, let's learn some science-proven, true things about this giant snake.

Interestingly, the name of this snake is derived from a Tamil word Anakonda and means "elephant slayer" (anai (elephant) + kolara (slayer) = anaconda). But no snake can kill an elephant, not even anaconda. Therefore, the meaning of "elephant killer" is that this snake is much larger than other snakes. 

Anaconda has an average length of 20 feet.But many investigative travelers have said about 150 feet long Anaconda. To find out how much of their claims are true, the United States National Zoo announced several years ago a $ 5000 award to an anaconda that is more than 30 feet tall. No one has received this award till date. This proves that the length of this snake is not more than 20-25 feet and 100-150 feet long Anaconda is only in the thoughts of the explorers. In this view, Anaconda does not even remain the world's longest snake as the Indian dragon sometimes grows longer than that. But Anaconda is definitely the heaviest snake in the world. Her body siege can easily be three feet.

Large dark spots are formed on his light green body. There are two black stripes on the head from nose to neck. Anaconda is found throughout South America, especially in the dense forests of the Amazon River. Like the python, there remain two thorns in the lower part of the body of Anaconda near the anus and the remains of the hind legs. They are used to provoke the female during sexual intercourse. Although the anaconda is also a snake of the dragon's family, the female anaconda does not lay eggs like a dragon, but gives birth to live children. Newborn anaconda are 2-3 feet long. Anaconda survive 40–50 years in the wild state. The snake lived 28 years in a zoo in the United States.

Most of the time in Anaconda is spent in water. He lives in slow flowing rivers and swamps. He does not like the fast flowing rivers.

                    Anaconda in English

normally he lives alone. rarely 3-4 anacondas appear together. each anaconda has a fixed hunting ground where it does not allow other homogeneous snakes to come. 

Anaconda is usually active at night. In order to trap the prey, he lies in shallow water without moving. He swallows air to prevent the body from drowning in water. When a creature comes to drink water, he jumps from the water and catches it in his strong jaws and drains his body over it and pulls it into the water. The victim dies due to suffocation due to drowning in water or pressure of the axes. The stories of every bone of the victim being crushed by Anaconda are found only in stories and there is no truth in them. He hunts fish, small birds, deer, pigs, large-sized rodents (rat-class creatures), water turtles and sometimes crocodiles. 

Like all snakes, he can swallow prey far larger than his body. Once, a 25-foot-tall Anaconda swallowed a 6-foot-tall manger. After eating such a big prey, he does not need to eat for weeks. He silently hides his head among the logos in a safe place. Sometimes Anaconda also hunts by coming to the ground. On the ground, he can crawl only slowly. He also loves to sunbathe by lying in tree branches coming out of the water. 

This snake has very weak eyesight and is able to see very close things clearly, although he immediately senses his victim's movements.His intense olfactory power becomes more helpful in finding prey. Like most snakes, there is another element near his nose which helps in reducing the heat generated by the victim's body. With this, Anaconda also hunts in the dark night.
                          yellow anaconda

it is only natural to have many story-legends about such a large and powerful snake. adivasis of south america worship him as a deity. some tribals consider him his ancestor. it is also popular among the tribals that at night, anaconda turns into a boat and its body becomes sails.

Just as the notion regarding python in India is quite common that it captures and swallows humans, people of South America believe it in relation to Anaconda. It is true that some humans have been killed by this giant snake, but to say that it eats them is a fantasy. The width of a man's shoulder is so much that he cannot even get down from the neck of even the biggest anaconda. In the face of a sudden encounter with a man, some humans have come in his arms in panic or self defense and have succumbed to them. On the basis of these deaths, it cannot be said that this snake hunts humans with the intention of eating.

✓   information about the anaconda.

~ anaconda  kya hai?

  anaconda is considered the heaviest snake in the world. anaconda is found inside south america. according to one measurement so far, the longest anaconda has got 28 fit and 44 inch diameter. according to some scientists the weight of this anaconda may be 500 pounds. although there are pythons that are larger than the anaconda within the length, but the anaconda is more than the python inside the thickness.

~ life of anaconda  

anaconda is always near water. it is the most active in the evening and at night and searches for food for itself. he roams near the river drains at talas in his hunting. it is a solitary sweetheart. it can hide itself inside the swamp. whenever a person sees it. so it attacks him.

and it is swallowed directly by him. the victims of anaconda are mostly humans and some big creatures. because it is not easy for him to care for small creatures.

    if anaconda eats a large person, then its body is adjusted automatically. because he has some similar muscles in his body. his jaw is also made in a special way. because of this, he can eat large organisms easily.  
all snakes living on the earth also have teeth. and they also use their teeth, but anaconda does not use her teeth to catch the victim. he uses power to catch his victim. like other snakes, anaconda is not even a poisonous snake. if he bites someone. so it is not fatal.  

~ breeding in anaconda

the female anaconda emits a scent inside the spring. which attracts the male. they breed around water which can last for a long time. female anaconda does not work after pregnancy. because there is a risk of injury. an anaconda matures within 3 or 4 years. 4

~ anaconda's life is threatened

by the way, anaconda is found only inside south america. and it is seen as a healthy snake. anaconda is killed many times. now the number of anaconda is not left even inside south america. it has a reason. human presence at the residence of anaconda.

an even larger snake has been found than anaconda.

do you think that any snake which may have grown from anaconda but in 2003, a search found this dead snake inside a mine in kolbia and south america. whose length was 43 feet and forest was 25000 pounds.

Information about Anaconda

Anaconda in English

So friends hope you know about an article    anaconda. - Anaconda Ke bare me jankari - Anaconda in Hindi Friends, follow this blog to get all the information related to Animals, Birds, Snake, Amazon forest, Nature, Fruits, Flowers, National park, Abhyarany, jungle safari and jungle Forget.